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Penguin Crossing
Necklace of Tears

Everyone is different in many ways
We do different things on different days
Sectionalism, racism, sexism, and prejudice were made
By our differences that will never fade
Some people are blond, while others have brown hair
Many people are selfish, but lots of others like to share
Some people like jokes but other people are serious
Many people are chipper while others are furious
Some people enjoy to go hiking
While others would prefer biking
But He has left all persons with one thing alike
We all wear the Necklace of Tears
We all weep for our many fears
We all weep for that which we love
We all weep when miracles are sent for us from above
We all weep when we are hurt
We all weep when we feel like dirt
We all weep when others weep
We all weep when our loved ones fall into eternal sleep
The Necklace of Tears ironically causes unity
It brings us together and makes us an entity
So don't hold back your tears in shame
Because all the world cries the same.